There is a generous trend by brethren developing in that some have contacted a teacher/teachers and then have let the Committee know that they would be shouting the teacher(s) for dinner. Moreover, there is in fact a smnall pool of money that has been made available by a couple of generous (anonymous) brethren for helping out in these situations. However, more and more brethren are shouting their own "favorites" whom they have managed to track down. The e-mail below from the indefatigable Tony Friend gives the flavour of this latest trend:

Tony Friend writes:
Does anyone know where Alex McAndrew is? He was a French/German teacher at NSBHS (taught me German). When I found him next, he was Lecturer at Sydney Uni around 1969. He had taught my first wife something (Dutch?) at her school in Baulkham Hills.

I visited him a few times at Sydney Uni, then lost contact. He MAY be at: 79 DUNLOP STREET EPPING 2121 Phone 02-98764666 email

I have emailed this person to see if it's him. It sure looks to be, so I'm optimistic. If it is, I'll pay for his attendance.

Also, what of Pat (Luigi) Devir? I see no comment on his whereabouts. He shouldn't be hard to find, but my Google search didn't find anything. I'd pay for him also if he can be found.

Hell, these poor bastards put up with a lot of crap from us, and weren't even paid well for it. I really like the idea that's emerging that one of us sponser a particular teacher. If even some of us can afford to "shout a teacher", we'd easily cover the cost of bringing along all we can find. So far, it's looking good."

At present we have: Nancy Deans, Bill Toft, Graham Boardman, Col Bowser, and leads on a few others So keep looking for the bastards!
