Robert McIntyre:
I have just received an e-mail from Robert McIntyre's daughter who writes:

"I'm sorry to have to tell you the sad news that Robert died on Wednesday evening after a long and tiring fight with cancer. It would be great if you could pass the news on to others.
Robert's Daughter,

I have replied to her on all our behalf...

Last remaining Missing Brethren:
As at this stage, the following are the remaining brethren not yet found. Any information on them that we might use in the last search effort would be greatfully received. Please send such information to Marc Thompson ( We believe the ones marked with an asterisk may not have been in our years and will be deleted unless any one can confirm that they ever existed:

*Campbell, Graham
Carter, William
Cheung, Matthias:
Corlett, Ronald G:
Diamond, Philip
Foster, John C:
Holmes, John D. E:
*Hohnen, Paul
Jackson, John L:
Johnson, Alan N:
Kerr John, D:
Lea, Edward G:
*Marris, Peter
Matthews, Ronald L:
Mead, David M:
Miller, Richard
Monro, Ian J:
Morgan, James M:
Morrison, Peter G:
Pierce, Brian C:
Potter, Quentin C:
Pratt, Alan: Pritchard, John W: Australia
Rayner, Robert:
Robertson, Ian J:
Sutherland, David R:
Wilkins, Christopher S:
*Wills, Roger
Woodburn, Michael A:
Woodcock, Peter T:
*Wynter, A.P.:
