Rod Wise has been quick . His email circulation constraint imposed by the miserable fairfax management is remedied as follows:-

"Thank you for the advice , Bruce. i have taken up your offer and have sent the following question to Dr pettigrew via his web site. I can hardly contain myself awaiting the reply.

Ever since i was a pupil at north sydney boys high school i have had an embarrassing problem. do you think viagra would solve it or would you recommend prozac? Your strict confidentiality would be appreciated. Rod"

RE: Ian Pettigrew, where is he???

The mischievous Rod Wise has asked me to circulate this message:-

Bruce, there is an ALL-bar on our emails. so could you pass the good news to all and sundry that pettigrew's phone number is (035) 562.2601. Someone might like to ring him to tell him the good news about the reunion.
Rod W.

I did also reply to Rod, equally mischievously, as follows:-

Rod, I thought with the imminent migraine about to beset your true love at the onset of Viagran Vigour in the Wise bed, you would be the first to take up the offer on his web site to ask Dr Pettigrew a question about womens' health.

I will circulate the phone number but I expect 150 internet questions to the good doctor from a group of old blokes with no doubt a range of experience of womens health over 40 years might be a laugh!!!!

Bruce Donald